Have you also had Ramadans in the past where you set goals but then fell short?
Times when you felt that you just can’t make enough time for all the 'eebadah that you want to do?
Is there a way to not fall in the same cycle this Ramadan?
There absolutely is! And the hack is simple-
Plan ahead and set goals in a quantified and compartmentalised manner.
Here is a realistic example: Instead of deciding “This Ramadan, I am going to complete reciting the Qur’an, read its translation and reflect on its meaning”, we can plan it out in the following way:
Simple right?! Now we know exactly how much time we need to make each day to accomplish this goal!
Allah says in the Qur’an:
“The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.” Surah Baqarah 2: 185
In the coming blessed month of Ramadan, all of us aim to give the Qur’an its due respect and have the divine words make a long lasting impact on our lives.
Reciting and contemplating on the Final Message is the primary 'eebadah that most of us seek in this blessed month. However, we can also quantify time for other impactful 'eebadah such as memorising new du’as, teaching the deen to others, dhikr and of course sadaqah.
The giving of sadaqah, as usual, is made easy for you by Muslimah Collection!
For every purchase of yours, as always every cent of the profits, will be given to the most needy and most deserving of the global ummah.
Do not miss the chance to make necessary purchases of abayahs, thobes, hijabs, imamahs, kufis, Qur’an, prayer mats, etc. while at the same time doing sadaqah fi sabeelillah.
May Allah enable us to make substantial leaps towards His deen and strengthen our footing on the siratul mustaqeem.
May Allah bless us with permanent positive changes in our lives and the lives of our loved ones.
May Allah accept every cent that we spend on His path and return them to us all, as rizqan halalan.
May Allah make this the best Ramadan of our lives until the next one.